Hai hai hai. Now da sampai part review for each part of my E-day. Oke 1st thing 1st. Pelaminnnnn! Pelamin is very important oke. Tapi I should remind you. It is very dependent on your budget. Remember. 1st thing first. Ikut budget. Know your budget. And stay in the budget. Mase you guys buat budget, you guys kene state 2 amount. 1st amount yang you hope u stick in it. 2nd, amount yang paling maximum you can shoot. Kire ni yang paling tops la the budget can go. Ha takde budget lagi? Sile la ambil kalkulator korang and start mengire. Hehe :)
So bile da ade budget. 2nd things yang you guys kene tahu is. Color baju korang. WAJIB. Trust me. I selalu berangan google and tengok website pelamin taw. Selalu macam, oke I nak pelamin camni camni camni, nanti baju just go along with the pelamin. Which means. I pilih pelamin dulu. Baru pilih color baju. Tapi. Its a big NO! Melainkan you guys kaye raye gile boleh tempah everything gune designer so u just can go along like. "Pelamin dari designer I gini gini. So I nak baju I gini gini and u buat la ikut kaler yang sesuai dengan pelamin ni oke? I tak kesah berape harga. All I know. Kebabom! Meletops youuu"
Itu kalau korang kaya raya. Kalau korang tak kaya raya lagi. Sile ikut teknik ini utk dapat more or less your e-day-dream-come-true. Korang wajib beli baju dulu (maknenye issue nak pakai kain jenis ape like chiffon ke lace ke ape ke da resolve. Then issue nak pkai kaler ape pun da resolve, beading ape, 3D flowers ke ape da resolve). I repeat. Mesti da resolve!! Sebab as for me. I beli baju sendiri. Takde designer designer ni. Then veil beading lace segale kain chiffon tu semue I beli sendiri, then patch sendiri lace dekat kain chiffon, potong kain (my sister tolong potong and patch lace and acu dekat badan nak veil labuh mane) then buat sendiri letak manik sendiri. Mmg nak jimat. Memang gigih 4 hari 4 malam menyiapkan my outfit.You guys tgk sendiri la. Sekarang ni. Veil heavily beaded almost rm300 to 400. Siap sekali semue la anak tudung mak tudung nenek tudung and veil. And mintak maaf la. I need to jimat. So I buat sendiri. Gigih! Penjimatan maksima!!
So bile dah ade budget, dah ade kaler baju, now you can menggedik pasal pelamin. I dari kecik memang suke berangan kawen yang fairytale fairytale gittew. Memang impian. Rsenye berangan ade impian jadi kaye raye lagi sikit darri berangan wedding, tunang, macam fairytale. Punye nak pelamin best, asyik berangan je. Sebab tu I gigih gile menabung. Jangan ingat duit banyak2 dalam ASB tu turun bergolek. Ia perlukan determination! DETERMINATION MY FRIEND!! 1sem I simpan minimum 2k. Tapi ade due tige kali shoot sampai 3k. So u guys kire lah sendiri 3 tahun ade bape sem and brape total my money. Walaupun tak sebanyak orang bekerje, Tapi come on. Atleast i have la duit untuk bayar bukan suruh mak bayarrrrr oke. Jangan ingat student takleyh kawen. Its all about determination. U want something. U work for it. (padehal bukan semue I bayar. Mak sponsor banyak gaks. haha) Haha. Ni ape cerite pasal duit ni. PELAMIN PLIS!
Mase nak pilih pelamin tu, few things yag u kene very very sure. Sape yang you nak die buat pelamin you (senang cerite, pelamin dari vendor mane you guys paling banyak berangan?), then, jenis macam mane pelamin you nak (nak bunge bunge2 ke, object2 ke, kain2 ke ape ape la). Then color. Color ni just go along with the baju you guys pakai, Hihi.
So, I repeat, macammana nak pilih pelamin tunang atau nikah?
- Budget harga pelamin ( 2 amount. Plis. Stay in the budget. So kire betul2)
- Bju yang akan dipakai with details. (Kain ape, detailing ape, fashion ape, kaler ape)
- Pelamin details ( nak sape buat, bape budget, jenis cammane)
So mine, lepas da ade budget, then da ade kaler baju, I just nak pilih pelamin.Macam I. Mak I mmg nak buat dengan Mokhsin ni. Sebab dIe suke Mokhsinnye hasil kerje and attitude mokhsin. I layankan je sebab mak kate die sponsor separuh harge pelamin. So I oke je la. Heh heh heh. To be honest. Kan i tibe2 jadi nak bertunang. So I macam shock mase jumpe abang Mokhsin. Mase jumpe Mokhsin (Owner De Classaflora Wedding Deco), I macam tibe tibe blank, tak tau ape nak, blur, effortless, clueless. Nasib baik abang mokhsin sangat kind die tunjuk banyak banyak gambar and give time for me to made up my mind.
So after I da dekat Kuantan, I made up my mind. and gives him 3 picture yang illustrate what I want. I just cakap, yang main what I want, I da label, yang lain2 tu, abag mokhsin je la decide. Sebab he knows better. Betul tak? Abot kaler dulang hantaran, handbouquet, flowers kat pelamin, semue decision die. And turns out. I am extremely satisfied weeeehooo!!
Sent to him this 3 pictures kat whatsapp.
And bile I balik dari Kuantan, few days before syawal, Pelamin da siap pasang dekat rumah.
Awesome kan? I told you. No need to worry kalau u ambil dengan Declassaflora.
Ps: Ini la gune smartphone beb. Efektif sikit ye rakan2.
Actually, ade je another vendor yang harga more or less macam abang mokhsin. Abang mokhsin ni buat pelamin artist you guysss. Pelamin Irma hasmie, die la buat. Gojes kan? So ade la another vendor ni. Buat pelamin artist2 jugak. Harge lebih kurang mokhsin, cntik pun cantik. TAPI. I tak suke langsung care die layan customer. Rase nak bius je mulut die dengan p.a die tu, I bayar you ribu riban. Tapi mulutttt. Macam ape je. Tak kesah la nature die yang "lembut lembut" tu mmg mulut macam tu. Tapi I work w few lembut lembut guy. Tapi mulut diorang standard la. Yang ni. Mmg over. Haha. If you have 2 orang yang hasil kereje same best and price lebih kurang. Tapi another one sangat budi bahase, lemah lembut, smile, sure meyh u pilih yang budi bahase ni. So I choose De Classaflora Wedding Deco
Trust me, he is the kindest vendor you will ever jumpe kat earth. Senang taw berunding dengan die. you cakap camni camni camni. Die okeeeee je. He just get it and he is someone yang u can trust his taste. So cam. u can sit back. and relax, no worry pasal pelamin. haha. Memang betul. Can u just imagine. In short notice, abang Mokhsin can come out with one pelamin yang I extremely suke. Die siap pasang awal lagi. Like 4 5 hari before raye sebab die nak balik kampong beraye. Cool kan? So kalau korang nak tau, pelamin, hantaran tu semue, da lame da kat rumah. Hihi,
So, Ni la hasil pelamin tunang i, bile dalam gambar. Sangat cantik!!
- See the pelamin, simple, nice, putih, cam fairy tale. Mase mule2 I tgk pelamin, cam, Oh gosh! I like it! Tapi cam weird, kenape abang mokhsin pakai bunge cam hijau hijau including my handbouquet. Rupenye, bile in picture, canteqqqqqqqqqqqqqq. Sangat cantik. Pandai abang mokhsin main color! I iz like like like!
- Lepas tu u see abang mokhsin letak kain kiri kanan jugak. So Nampak kemas and total coverage your pelamin tu. Certain orang yang buat pelamin. die buat pelamin. Kiri kanan tibe2 ade a dinding kaler lain. Eii spoiler betul.
- My sister purposely cakap dekat I to letak detailing belakang kerusi so that, bile tangkap gambar time duduk atas pelamin. Kite Nampak pelamin tu tak kosong. Baru la bebaloi. So we spoke to abang mokhsn. And die buat dengan perfectnye with all the crystal, bling bling. Oh I loike!
- See my handbouquet. Nampak fresh kan? I finally get the reason why abang mokhsin pakai green bukan pink. Bunge tu Nampak alive, bukan articial (Eventho bunge tu artificial actually). Lepas tu the flower ade cam jurai2 ribbon kaler gold. Mmg nice. The shape of the flower pun mmg just nice. Betul2 bulat and cute. And anak buah I geram dengan bunge tu. Die gigit and makan flower tu. Hahaha. Nak buat cammane. Baby mmg gitu. Semue bende masuk mulut.
- You guys can see platform hantaran macam I whatsapp picture kat abang mokhsin.Cantikkan? Those hantaran pun abang mokhsin yang buat. Cantikkan? Pandai kan die pilih color. I just cakap. Buat je la cammane cammane. what he thinks the best, I follow je.Turns out, Mmg the best youuuu!
- You see when abang mokhsin buat pelamin, die bukan cover pelamin je. Die cover kiri kanan, and then depan pelamin pun die cover gak. Mmg worth it. You should take him. Seriously!
ps: hantaran belah laki n perempuan abang mokhsin buat. hihi
- Ni gamba bile all the lampu pasang, Nampak tak kat depan pun ade jurai crystal, Cantikkan? Nampak very the eksklusif hihi.
Oke la. Till then, pape, you can just contact abang Mokhsin and ask the price or set up the appointment. Here's die punye link fb ( https://www.facebook.com/pages/De-Classaflora-Wedding-Deco/116274171746562 ).Tata titi tutu!
Ps: Amboi, korang suke eh cerite pasal bertunang, semalam je I received 325 views. Alhamdulillah, new blog pun orang bace. hhi. Btw, if u guys nak unlimited internet surfing and free sms, klik FREE INTERNET AND SMS!
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